Find out if Natasha is the right fit for you

Youth & Adult Psychotherapy
- Short to long term psychodynamic based psychological therapy, following assessment, to address emotional, identity and mental health difficulties including, depression, anxiety and grief.

Trauma Processing
- Quick and effective resolution of memories of disturbing events that fuel PTSD, anxiety, fears, and emotional reactivity using Radical Exposure Tapping (RET)

Child & Adolescent Mental Health
- Emotional and behavioural problems of children from infancy to late adolescence
- Depression, anxiety, separation, and other emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Sleep difficulties including anxieties about sleeping in own bed, night time waking and night terrors
- Eating and feeding problems
- Parenting skills

Perinatal Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Pre & Post natal depression and anxiety
- Medical complications during pregnancy
- Difficulties in the transition to parenthood
- Birth Trauma
- Grief and Loss

Conception Difficulties
- Fertility
- Miscarriage
- Still birth

Parent-Infant Attachment & Relationships
- Promotion of positive attachment and bonding between parent/s and infant
- Help establish a supportive and nurturing relationship with your infant
- Facilitate parental capacity to recognise and respond to your infant’s emotional, developmental and practical needs
Please call for an appointment